User attention is a finite resource. Once it’s used up, if they haven’t found what their looking for, they hit the dreaded “back” button and bounce off the page. You lose a sale. Sad trombone noises sound in your head. Information Architecture is the discipline that critically examines your site/information...
I have never met a client that wanted a confusing or ugly website. I only know people who want to be at the top of their industry. I’ve got bad news though: even some of the top people in some of the big industries have bad websites. That’s because money...
NOTICE: This is a very old article. Please visit the home page of our blog or other areas of our site for more up-to-date information. Last week we made some changes at Skyhook. They weren’t big changes when you really think about them, but they seem to be making a...
User attention is a finite resource. Once it’s used up, if they haven’t found what their looking for, they hit the dreaded “back” button and bounce off the page. You lose a sale. Sad trombone noises sound in your head. Information Architecture is the discipline that critically examines your site/information...
I have never met a client that wanted a confusing or ugly website. I only know people who want to be at the top of their industry. I’ve got bad news though: even some of the top people in some of the big industries have bad websites. That’s because money...
NOTICE: This is a very old article. Please visit the home page of our blog or other areas of our site for more up-to-date information. Last week we made some changes at Skyhook. They weren’t big changes when you really think about them, but they seem to be making a...
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