How To Review Using BugHerd


Key Takeaways

  • Use bugherd tool to report bugs




0:00 How to review your site using BugHerd. Well, first and foremost, what is BugHerd? So, BugHerd is a tool we use here at Skyhook to help facilitate the back and forth of feedback that your team will be trying to communicate during this phase of the project.
0:19 Makes it a lot easier than trying to maybe write in an email to swap out some copy three-fourths of the way down a page with the new copy and trying to take your own screenshots and communicate where something is.
0:35 So, this all does it for you in a nice, neat package. So, if you look at my screen on the right.
0:40 So, I’ve already been uhm I’ve already accepted the invite to Bughert. So, your project manager will kick that off for you.
0:46 You’ll get an email inviting you and once you download this extension on your browser, you’ll see that it is on the staging site.
0:57 If it ever collapses, you just click on the arrow to expand it and you’ll see a few options when using Bughert.
1:04 And so again, this tool is just to make feedback a little bit easier on your end. So you have a couple options when logging a bug or logging feedback for a change.
1:14 You have the plus sign, which is probably the only thing you’ll ever need to worry about. It says tagging out.
1:20 So when you click on it, you’ll notice as I move my mouse around, different sections of the site now become highlighted with this blue box.
1:29 And so it just lets the application know that’s what you’re trying to update. So maybe we wanted to update this subheadline.
1:36 So I would move my mouse until that blue box shows on that text. I’d click on it and it brings up this prompt.
1:45 So now I can say, you know, update copy to and then start typing in the new copy. And all you have to do is click on create task.
1:54 Your project manager will assign it out to the team and do everything else for you. In the instance of maybe it’s an image that you want swapped out, there is a nice attachment feature here.
2:04 So you can add that image right here in the bug or task and that way your project manager will know which image needs to be swapped out.
2:13 And again, BugHerd takes a screenshot for you so it knows exactly what copy you need updated. Another option in tagging for again bugs or fixes that you want to see implemented, you can tag the whole page.
2:29 So maybe you don’t like the white background anymore. Maybe there was some new brand materials that this white was maybe just a placeholder and you were waiting for the exact hex color to come through from your team.
2:43 And so now you know, okay, this whole page, we have updated styles or things like that. So anything that impacts the whole page, you can click on this, same process, it just won’t highlight something.
2:56 It’ll be the whole page. And then you can also provide video feedback as well. So you have three options when logging any bugs and bug heard, but you’d probably mostly just use this tag and element as well.
3:08 And then up here, just so you know what these options are. This just, if you click on here, it uhm opens up all of the bugs that are currently in process, uhm that other people have logged.
3:23 You’ll see these little pins across the site as our team has already uhm been logging. Reviewing the site and making changes.
3:31 If you collapse the tool, you’ll notice those go away if those get in the way of your review. So again, to open up that dashboard, you click on the arrow, that caret, and then primarily you’re just going to be using the text tag and element feature to log that item of what you want updated.